General Notes ------------- Each export will contain at least three files (or tables): lds_scriptures_books, lds_scriptures_verses and lds_scriptures_volumes. Some may have a fourth: lds_scriptures which is a non-relational combination of the other three, meaning all the data is crammed into one place, and lots of it is redundant. Details about each table and its field contents can be found in the documentation either included in this download package, or online at Access ------ The Access databases were imported from Excel and created using Access XP. There are three Access downloads available (for 97, 2000 and XP), and the data is exactly the same between all three. I've done my best to make sure the field types and indexes match properly on the databases, so I hope they work well for you. I know how slow it can sometimes be when using relational tables in Access, I would recommend using the "lds_scriptures" table, which is a non-relational version of the other three. CSV --- The CSV files were created from Excel. On the .zip download, the newline character will be \r. The tarballs will end in \n. You should be able to view them in Notepad (on Windows). GNUmeric for Linux will not be able to read any of the exports with the verses in them, since it cannot read more than 65535 lines at a time. Exports before v2.5.0 may have been broken if you were using an external program to split the CSV on one row per newline, since lds_scriptures_books contained some newline characters in some its values. As of v2.5.0 one row of data is only on one line. If you're looking to import the scriptures into MS SQL Server 2000, I'd recommend using Excel instead. This export contains an "lds_scriptures.csv" file which is a non-relational table of ALL the data from the original three tables. DocBook ------- Scripts are available on the website to create the DocBook exports. Excel ----- The Excel files were created from the MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. This export contains an "lds_scriptures.xls" file which is a non-relational table of ALL the data from the original three tables. LaTeX ----- TeX files were created from the MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. Disclaimer: I've never used TeX files (or even opened them up), so I can't account for the validity or the usefulness of the exports. If you notice any changes that might be necessary, please let me know. This export contains an "lds_scriptures.tex" file which is a non-relational table of ALL the data from the original three tables. MySQL ----- Database dumps are created using mysqldump, and the latest stable version of the 4.0.x branch of MySQL. The import file "lds_scriptures.sql" will DROP your existing lds_scriptures tables and recreate them. The script will not create a new database, so you will have to import them into an already existing one. The table types are MyISAM to allow for FULLTEXT searches on the verses. MyISAM is MySQL's default database type. There are no NULL values or fields in any of the database, so anytime you are searching against them, use WHERE field <> ''. Also, the field types have been optimized, using smaller data types where possible. You will /not/ be able to import the SQL file using a default setup of PHP + phpMyAdmin, because the upload size setting is too small. On Linux, you can import the data by calling mysql on the command line: mysql database_name < lds_scriptures.sql Be sure to pass any default options you need before "< lds_scriptures.sql" On Windows, I would recommend importing the file using MySQL's binary in a DOS shell. The default installation of MySQL on Windows puts all its command-line binaries in C:\mysql\bin 1) Click Start, then Run 2) In the run window, type in "cmd" (for XP/2000) or "" (9x/ME) to open a DOS shell. 3) Type this in: a) c: b) cd \mysql\bin c) mysql Now you should have a mysql shell open. If you do, you'll see "mysql>" as your prompt. Based on your local MySQL settings, you may need to provide a username and password when connecting to the server. See mysql --help for more information. 4) In the MySQL shell: If you already have a database you want to import the data into, switch to that database: mysql> use ; If you don't, or if you're totally lost, use the "test" database instead: mysql> use test; Then, import the data: mysql> \. c:\path\to\lds_scriptures.sql The import *will take some time* so relax if it sits there for a few minutes. If you still get stuck, just let me know and I'll try to help you out. OpenDocument Spreadsheet ------------------------ The exports were created from 2.0 Beta, from the Excel files. I have no idea what anyone could use this export for, but I figured in all fairness if I was going to have MS Excel exports, it would only be right to have one in an open document format as well. This export contains an "lds_scriptures.ods" file which is a non-relational table of ALL the data from the original three tables. PostgreSQL ---------- The export will create three tables for you: lds_scriptures_books, lds_scriptures_verses and lds_scriptures_volumes. All three tables are exported as a COPY statement, so import should be fairly quick (less than 10 seconds on a Pentium 2). There are a few ways to import the data using psql. If you want to run it command-line, just execute "psql < lds_scriptures.sql". You will have to pass your normal arguments after 'psql' to actually access the database, and use your default databse name as well. A sample command might be: psql nephi_org < lds_scriptures.sql where 'nephi_org' is the name of my database. If you haven't created a database yet, just execute this command in a psql shell: CREATE DATABASE lds_scriptures WITH ENCODING 'LATIN1'; If you are already in a psql shell, you can import the file with this command: \i lds_scriptures.sql No semicolon is needed. By default, the command will look for the SQL file in the same directory you are in when you started the shell, unless you prepend a file path. SQLite 2 and 3 -------------- The SQLite database dumps were created from a tweaked PostgreSQL dump. No need to "import" the file, the database is the lds_scriptures.db file. Run sqlite (or sqlite3) lds_scriptures.db to access the file. If you want to see the schema: sqlite lds_scriptures.db .schema To export the data: sqlite lds_scriptures.db .dump XML --- The XML exports were created from a PHP script you can find on the website, pulling the data from one of the databases. Until v2.5.0, all the exports were created using phpMyAdmin. v2.5.0 is the first custom created XML file. I've tried to slim down the file as much as possible, and I hope it works well. Any input is greatly appreciated, since I am no XML guru.